Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, March 16, 2024
The World Is Plunging into War!
Message from God The Father and St. Michael the Archangel to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 12, 2024

God the Exalted Father is with you Myriam: hear My Word and bring it back to My Children:
The world is plunging into war, Nations will attack each other and cause the irreparable! Convert O men, convert, this is the time to say "Enough" to the things of the world. Cling to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin. Consecrate yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart, She is coming for the final battle against Satan.
St. Michael says to you, O men:
the King of the Universe claims His Children! God declares the end of time and pleads, in His infinite love...conversion. He is sealing His Refuges of Love. These places will have the protection of the Angels. Here they will be prayed for unceasingly. The end of time has come, evil will be eliminated ... and a new Age will come to be enjoyed by God's Elect. The Heavenly Army-headed by Saint Michael the Archangel-is ready for the final battle.
Northern lights mark His next intervention with Mary: Heaven will be tinged with pink ....
Mary Most Holy... will appear in her immense splendor:
will call to Herself her Children: those prepared by Herself for the final clash against Satan . These Sons were not captivated by the lights of the world, but ... "devoted to their Christ the Lord" ... turned their hearts to Him: they gave their lives for His Divine Project. Frail in their Humanity ... but ... strong in Spirit and Truth they followed the Divine Will, they prepared themselves to receive the Holy Spirit.
Here She is, Mary!
Here She is surrounded by a thousand colors!
Here She is together with Her Angels!
Here She is in Her Divine Splendor!
Here She is ready to lead Her Army with Saint Michael the Archangel and hosts of fighting Angels.
Ancient history ends here!
March takes power in the prophecies announced ... You will see the sky darken ... You will have chills in your being ... You will be terrified ... you who have not listened to the Voice of God!
My children:
I announce to you the warning! I must anticipate the timing of My intervention: it is urgent to do so in order not to allow Satan to destroy your Planet and the Humanity that contains it.
Beloved Children,
you have mocked My appeals, you have continued in your earthly going ... you have set yourselves up as gods on earth ... you have fortified yourselves in your "egos" ...
Poor Children!
I ask you a question: when you see Me, will you believe that I Am ?
I await your answer in your daily behavior.
Don't be foolish , ... today is what ... watch out!!! Lend an ear! Take heed to the counsel of your Creator God! Strip off yourselves ... there is no more time!
Source: ➥